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IEEE Photonics Society’s publications offer the latest in photonics research—original research of the highest quality—with the fastest submission-to-publication time in the field.

Paper Spotlight

These papers have been selected by our editorial team representing research and perspectives for the Photonics community.

A Trusted Source

Our portfolio consists of the following publications and cover a full spectrum of topics.

The Society’s Open Access journal providing rapid publication of top-quality peer-reviewed papers at the forefront of photonics research.

Rapid publication of significant original research contributions in photonics, lightwave components, laser physics and laser/electro-optic technology.

Dedicated to the publication of novel, theoretical or experimental results in the field of quantum electronics and addressing new developments or phenomena that impact continuing research or advance the technological base of quantum electronics.
Devoted to a specific topic within the quantum electronics field and addressing original theoretical and/or experimental research results that advance the scientific and technological base of quantum electronics.
Dedicated to covering original, theoretical and/or experimental work that advances the technology base of guided-wave science.
Covering advances in both theoretical contributions to state-of-the art optical communications and networking as well as practical applications in a broad range of optical networking technologies.
Publishes regular, review, and tutorial articles based on the engineering applications of quantum phenomena, including quantum computation, information, communication, software, hardware, devices, and metrology.

NEW: An Open Access journal covering newly emerging and rapidly expanding areas in display technology.

A peer-reviewed archival publication reporting on original and significant research results in the field of photovoltaics (PV).

An archival journal dedicated to the timely dissemination of new research in display technologies from basic science and engineering of display devices to display materials, components, drivers and interfaces, as well as lighting technology and applications.
J-DT ceased publication in 2016 but will continue to be accessible on IEEE Xplore.

Most Downloaded Articles

From our portfolio of publications, the articles below have been capturing the attention of our readers in the last three months.

Publications Announcements

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Publications Council

Reporting to the BOG, these volunteers oversee our publications portfolio, including quality, timeliness, and coverage.

Open Access

Open AccessFor detailed information, visit Basic Information About Open Access (OA).